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Convenient Packaging Increases the Sale Of the items

The fact that whether the product packaging has a major role to play other than just protecting or casing the product within, is out of the question. The packaging not only reflects the brand image but also is crucial for attracting the customer considering the hundreds of options that are available whether be it online or in a store. Since the value of an experience is priceless, packaging solutions that offer convenience not only serve in attracting the customer’s attention but also serve to strengthen the brand loyalty since it shows the detail and the thought of the consumer has been considered while designing it.

New and innovative solutions for retail packaging different types of products are constantly being offered and being made available to manufacturers who are looking to stand out and capture the attention with unique and attractive packages. However, when considering consumer trends, being user friendly and convenient, are two trends that are at the top. At the end of the day, the utility of the product and the ease of consumption or use is essentially what is the deciding and determining factor whether the packaging has served to be effective.

Talking about convenience, there may be many characteristics that can make a product package convenient. Below are some characteristics that offer convenience to the consumer and result in added sales.


Packages that are resealable are not only convenient but add to the longevity of the product life as well. Increased shelf life due to the product being resealable is a very convenient aspect for the consumers. They may have Ziploc properties or have zip ties or even peel and reseal films and/or any other similar solution. This is especially convenient for consumables that are not in a single use package such as cereals for example, and also reduces the need for a jar or other storage solution.

Ready to eat

Single use consumables, such as food items, if packaged so they are ready to eat is a big added plus. People can just grab and go and sit down and eat, instead of having a need to use plates or having to wait till they get home to be able to eat.

Similarly, steam bags or microwaveable bags are very convenient as well, since having them reduces the time and number of steps required for cooking/steaming, meal preparation is faster and this offers a healthy alternative to picking grab and go junk food. Not only that, there is no wastage and the flavors are retained well. Gusset bags are a fitting example for this.

Again packages that make it convenient to be eaten from or have parts that can be used as cutlery as well are another innovation that gets major plus points from the consumers. Noodle take out boxes are often the sort that they can be opened up to form plates to be easily eaten from instead of digging in the box and getting things messy. Similarly, some single serving yogurt packages have their lids sturdier and designed in a way that they can be used as spoons to be used for eating.

Easy to carry

Packages that have added handles or built in such as in the case of gable boxes, make it very convenient for the customer to easily grab and carry. For fresh produce or milk bottles for example, this is very convenient since these items are usually bought in more than one serving at a time. This can be incorporated in wooden crates as well as in cardboard packaging boxes.

Single Serving

For fresh fruit and salads, if a manufacturer offers packaging solutions that are single serving and also has holes for ventilation to ensure that the product stays fresh, is a big plus and also helps the consumers feel good about their purchases. Not only will this encourage people to opt to eat healthy but also have a single serving that they can grab and eat on the go.

Easy pour

Pouches that have nozzles or spouts for easy pouring of liquids get major points with customers, and even more if the spouts have caps or screw on lids. Many manufacturers especially in the food packaging industry utilize this innovative solution for condiments and other liquids such as liquid soaps etc.

Value added

The packages may not have the above characteristics but similar items could be grouped together in an outer packaging to add value to the consumer. Not only does this serve to be more cost effective but is also easy and saves time for the consumer to get items that go together, increasing sales.

Eye catching packaging that also offers convenience to the consumer helps to strengthen the brand and consumer bond, strengthening the brand identity and building loyalty, all of which leads to added sales and returning happy customers.

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